Showing posts with label IE7pro. Show all posts
Showing posts with label IE7pro. Show all posts

Monday, February 25, 2008

IE7pro 2.1 RC1

IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 which adds lots of features and extras, that make your IE easier, more useful, secure and customizable. With IE7pro you may switch proxy, set agent identification, block ads and flash, apply super drag-drop, refresh tab automatically, recover session crash, manage tab history, view page information, save image files quickly and more.

Download : IE7pro 2.1 RC1

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

IE7pro 2.0 Beta 5 Download

IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 that adds lots of features and benefits that make your IE easier, more useful, safe and customizable. With IE7pro you can pass proxy, together officer identification, block ads and flash, apply superpower drag-drop, refresh tab automatically recover session crash, manage tab history, see the information page, save image files quickly and more.

IE7pro ist ein Add-on für IE 7, fügt viele Funktionen und Extras, die Ihre IE erleichtern, nützliche, sichere und angepasst werden. Mit IE7pro können Proxy schalten, setzen Agent Identifizierung, Anzeigen und Blitz, für Super Drag & Drop, aktualisieren Registerkarte automatisch wieder Absturz Tagung, zu verwalten Registerkarte Geschichte, Blick Seite Informationen, außer Bilddateien schnell und mehr.

IE7pro est un add-on pour IE 7 qui ajoute bon nombre de dispositifs et d'avantages qui font que votre IE plus facile, plus utile, sûr et personnalisable. Avec IE7pro vous pouvez passer procuration, ensemble agent de l'identification, de bloquer les annonces et flash, appliquer superpuissance traîner-baisse, actualisez onglet automatiquement, recouvrer session, écrasement, onglet gérer l'histoire, voir la page d'informations, mettre des fichiers images rapidement et plus.

Что IE7pro вы можете перевести прокси, установить агент идентификации, блок объявлений и молниеносно применять супер перетащить - падение, обновите закладку автоматически извлекать сессии катастрофы, управлять вкладки истории, просматривать страницы информации, сохранить изображение файлы быстро и более.

IE7pro è un add-on per IE 7, che aggiunge un sacco di caratteristiche e gli extra, che rendono il vostro IE più facile, più utile, sicuro e personalizzabile. Con IE7pro si può attivare il proxy, impostare agente di identificazione, il blocco di annunci e lampeggiare, si applicano eccellente trascin-goccia, scheda di aggiornamento automatico, recuperare sessione in crash, gestire scheda storia, visualizzare la pagina di informazioni, salvare i file immagine in modo rapido e di più.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

IE7pro Final

IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 which adds lots of features and extras, that make your IE easier, more useful, secure and customizable. With IE7pro you may switch proxy, set agent identification, block ads and flash, apply super drag-drop, refresh tab automatically, recover session crash, manage tab history, view page information, save image files quickly and more.

Changelogs IE7Pro 1.1:
- Add Online Bookmarks
- Add Text Saver
- Add Privacy Cleaner
- Easy Homepage improved
- Fix some bugs

Download : IE7pro Final

Thursday, August 2, 2007

IE7pro 1.0.1 Beta 5 download

IE7pro - have a real internet browsing
IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 which adds lots of features and extras, that make your IE easier, more useful, secure and customizable.

Key Features :

· IE7pro will help you Close/Open tab by double left click
· switch proxy
· set agent identification
· block ads and flash
· open new tab from address bar
· apply super drag-drop
· refresh tab automatically
· recover session crash
· manage tab history
· view page information
· save image files quickly

What's New in This Release :
· Autofill function added
· Spelling Check function improved, Support gmail/yahoo mail now
· Plugin system improved
· Crash report system added (Help us to find more bugs!)
· User can update the IE7Pro automaticly by one click
· User can choose enable/disable several function during installation.
· View generated source code function added
· Copy Image URL function added...