Easy CD-DA Extractor includes tools for copying digital music CDs, music file format conversions, and the recording of music CDs. It rips audio CD, and uses high performance, multithreaded, stamped CD-ripping and encoding, and downloads and uploads disc information from / to FreeDB, the Internet Compact Disc Database.
Easy CD-DA Extractor enthält Tools für das Kopieren digitaler Musik CDs, Musik Format Conversions, und der Aufnahme von Musik von CDs. Es reißt Audio CD, und verwendet hohe Leistung, Multithread-, abgestempelt CD rippen und codieren, und Downloads und Uploads Disc Informationen von / zu FreeDB, das Internet Compact Disc Database.
Easy CD-DA Extractor comprend des outils pour la copie numérique de CD musicaux, de la musique format de fichier conversions, et l'enregistrement de CD musicaux. Il déchire CD audio, et utilise à hautes performances, multithread, estampillé CD - déchirure et codage, et des téléchargements et uploads disque de l'information de / à FreeDB, le disque compact d'Internet Database.
Easy CD-DA Extractor include gli strumenti digitali per la copia di CD musicali, file musicali conversioni di formato, e la registrazione di CD musicali. E rip CD audio, e utilizza elevate prestazioni, multithread, timbrato CD ripping e la codifica, e di scaricare e arrivi disco informazioni da / a FreeDB, Internet Compact Disc Database.
Easy CD - DA Извлекатель включает в себя инструменты для копирования цифровых музыкальных компакт-дисков, музыкальный файл формата переходов и записи музыкальных компакт-дисков. Он rips аудио компакт-диск, и использует высокую производительность, многопоточных, печать CD - Копирование и кодировкой, а также загрузки и добавления диска информацию в / из FreeDB, Интернет Компакт диск данных.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Easy CD-DA Extractor 11.0.3 Build 2 Download
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
FlashGet v2.0 Beta 4 Download
FlashGet (formerly JetCar) is specifically designed to address two of the biggest problems when downloading files: Speed and management of downloaded files. If you \ have ever waited forever for your files to download from a slow connection, or been cut off mid-way through a download, or simply \ 'monitor your downloads growing - FlashGet is for you. FlashGet can split downloaded files into sections, downloading each section simultaneously, for an increase in the download speed of 100% to 500%. This, coupled with FlashGet \ 'powerful and easy-to-use management features, allows you to take control of your downloads like never before.
FlashGet download shows progress in the ranks of scintillating points, but his acceleration is not as pronounced than most. Its inability to launch a download without confirmation because of the slow starts. We ran into the difficulty of locating the configuration parameters, a problem exacerbated by a system of aid which apparently belongs to an earlier version. Nevertheless, the management software and download categorized our sample efficiently. FlashGet supports over 30 languages!
FlashGet Highlights:
-Speed. The possibility of splitting files up 10 parties, each party download simultaneously. Up to 8 different jobs simultaneously download. FlashGet just might be the fastest around download software!
Organize. Sort files with FlashGet \ 'integrated and simple yet powerful file management of your files before you engulf!
- Mirror research. Automatically looking for the fastest server available for the fastest possible downloads.
- FlashGet automatically dial, hang up and turn off the computer when you \ 're not around!
- program to download files whenever you feel! Whether it \ 'while you alarm or during off-peak hours, certain times each weekday, weekend or whatever. The choice is yours!
Manage your downloaded files with copious FlashGet \ 'simple but powerful user interface. Automate your downloads FlashGet with a browser, click! Supports Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera * Web browsers. * Downloaded freely with plug.
- Superior ease of use. FlashGet \ 'interface is logical, integrated, informative and customizable. Queue your downloads with FlashGet \ 'logical queuing system.
Control the speed limit by downloading, so that downloading files does not interfere with your Web!
- Easily see any aspect of your downloads at a glance. Whether status messages from the server, monitoring is divided, amount downloaded, whatever the weather! No excessive clicking into several windows open to see what \ 'current!
- Customize Toolbar and FlashGet user interface, including graphic and log window colors. Supporting proxy servers for maximum flexibility download.
- Speak your language with FlashGet \ 'automatic selection linguistic abilities (20 Languages available).
- Check for updates to the interior FlashGet FlashGet.
Monitor your download progress, download server status messages and divides graphically with the simpler, more functional around the user interface!
BT. Download files BitTorrent support!
- Vista. Compatible with Vista
+ Much, much more!
FlashGet (ehemals JetCar) ist speziell entworfen, um zwei der größten Probleme beim Herunterladen von Dateien: Speed und Verwaltung der heruntergeladenen Dateien. Wenn Sie schon immer gewartet ewig für Ihre Dateien zum Herunterladen von einer langsamen Verbindung, oder wurden abgeschnitten Mitte der Weg durch einen Download oder einfach nicht halten den Kontakt zu Ihren ständig wachsenden Downloads - FlashGet ist für Sie. FlashGet kann heruntergeladenen Dateien aufgeteilt in einzelne Abschnitte, das Herunterladen von jedem Abschnitt gleichzeitig, für die eine Erhöhung der Download Geschwindigkeit von 100% auf 500%. Dies, zusammen mit FlashGet's leistungsfähiges und einfach zu bedienende Funktionen, können Sie die Kontrolle über Ihre Downloads wie nie zuvor.
FlashGet Download zeigt Fortschritte in Reihen der glitzernden Punkte, aber die Beschleunigung ist nicht so ausgeprägt wie die meisten. Ihre Unfähigkeit, einen Download starten, ohne eine Bestätigung für die langsam beginnt. Wir liefen in Schwierigkeiten Ortung Konfigurationseinstellungen, ein Problem, verschärft durch ein Hilfssystem, in dem offenbar gehört zu einer früheren Version. Dennoch, die Software verwaltet und kategorisiert unserer Stichprobe Downloads effizienter zu gestalten. FlashGet unterstützt über 30 Sprachen!
FlashGet Highlights:
- Speed. Die Fähigkeit, Akten aufspalten, in bis zu 10 Teilen, wobei jeder Teil Download gleichzeitig. Bis zu 8 verschiedene simultanen Download Arbeitsplätze. FlashGet nur könnte die schnellsten Downloads der Software rund!
- Organisieren. Kategorisieren Dateien mit FlashGet integrierte und einfach noch leistungsfähiger Dateimanager verwenden, bevor Sie Ihre Dateien verschlingen!
- Mirror Suche. Automatische Suche nach dem schnellsten Server für die schnellsten Downloads möglich.
- Automatisches haben FlashGet wählen, auflegen und den Computer herunterfahren, wenn Sie sich nicht um!
- Termine zum Downloaden von Dateien, wenn Sie sich fühlen! Ob es sich um, während Sie Snooze oder außerhalb der Spitzenzeiten, bestimmten Zeiten jedem Wochentag, Wochenende oder was auch immer. Die Wahl liegt bei Ihnen!
Verwalten Sie Ihre reichlich heruntergeladenen Dateien mit FlashGet ist einfach dennoch leistungsfähige Benutzeroberfläche. Automatisieren Sie Ihr FlashGet Downloads mit einem Browser klicken! Unterstützt Internet Explorer, Netscape und Opera * Webbrowser. * Mit frei herunterladbare Plug-in.
- Superior Benutzerfreundlichkeit. FlashGet Schnittstelle ist logisch, integriert, informativ und angepasst werden. Warteschlange Ihre Downloads mit FlashGet ist logisch, Warteschlangen.
- Steuerung der Download Geschwindigkeit begrenzen, so dass das Herunterladen von Dateien nicht mit Ihrem Surfen im Web!
- Leicht zu sehen, jeden Aspekt Ihres Downloads auf einen Blick. Ob es sich um Server Status Nachrichten, die Überwachung spaltet, die Höhe heruntergeladen, Zeit oder was auch immer! Keine übermäßige Klick in mehrere Fenster öffnen, um zu sehen, was los ist!
- Passen Sie die Symbolleiste und FlashGet der Benutzeroberfläche, einschließlich der Grafik und Logfenster Farben. Unterstützung für Proxy Server für den Download maximale Flexibilität.
- Sprechen Sie die Sprache mit FlashGet zur automatischen Sprache wählen Fähigkeiten (20 + wählbaren Sprachen verfügbar).
- Überprüfen Sie, für FlashGet Aktuelles aus FlashGet.
Überwachen Sie Ihr Download Fortschritt, der Server Status Nachrichten und downloaden Sie spaltet grafisch mit dem einfachsten, funktionale Benutzeroberfläche rund!
BT. BitTorrent Dateien herunterladen Unterstützung!
- Vista. Kompatibel mit Vista
+ Viel, viel mehr!
FlashGet (ex JetCar) è specificamente progettato per affrontare due dei maggiori problemi durante il download di file: velocità e la gestione dei file scaricati. Se hai mai aspettato per sempre per i tuoi file da scaricare da una connessione lenta, o state tagliate a metà strada attraverso un download o, più semplicemente, non può tenere traccia della vostra sempre crescente scaricare - FlashGet è per voi. FlashGet può suddividere i file scaricati in sezioni, ciascuna sezione download contemporaneamente, ad un aumento della velocità di download dal 100% al 500%. Questo, unitamente con la FlashGet potente e di facile impiego di funzioni di gestione, consente di prendere il controllo del vostro scaricare come mai prima.
FlashGet visualizza scaricare progressi nella fila dei punti scintillante, ma la sua accelerazione non è così pronunciato come la maggior parte. La sua incapacità di avviare un download senza conferma fa per inizia lenta. Abbiamo riscontrato difficoltà nel localizzare le impostazioni di configurazione, un problema aggravato da un sistema di aiuto che apparentemente appartiene ad una versione precedente. Tuttavia, il software di gestione e classificati nostro campione scaricare in modo efficiente. FlashGet supporta più di 30 lingue!
FlashGet Highlights:
- Velocità. La possibilità di suddividere in file fino a 10 parti, con ciascuna parte di scaricare contemporaneamente. Fino a 8 diversi download simultanee di posti di lavoro. FlashGet appena potrebbe essere il più veloce, scaricare il software intorno!
- Organizzare. Categorizzare i file con FlashGet integrata e semplice - ancora potenti funzioni di gestione di file prima di inghiottire i tuoi file!
- Specchio di ricerca. Automaticamente per la ricerca più veloce del server disponibili per il download più veloce possibile.
- Sono automaticamente FlashGet dial-up, appendere e spegnere il computer quando non sei intorno!
- Programma per scaricare i file ogni volta che sento! Sia che si tratti di ripetizione mentre fuori o durante i periodi di picco, alcune volte ogni giorno della settimana, il fine settimana o qualunque. La scelta è vostra!
Gestisci i tuoi file scaricati con abbondante FlashGet semplice ma potente interfaccia utente. Automatizzare il vostro FlashGet scaricare con un browser clic! Supporta Internet Explorer, Netscape e Opera * browser web. * Con liberamente scaricabile plug-in.
- Superior facilità d'uso. FlashGet l'interfaccia è logico, integrato, informativi e personalizzabile. Coda i download con la logica FlashGet coda sistema.
- Il controllo del limite di velocità di download scaricamento di file in modo che non interferisca con la navigazione!
- Facilmente qualsiasi aspetto di vedere i download in un colpo d'occhio. Che si tratti di messaggi di stato del server, il monitoraggio divide, importo scaricato, il tempo di sinistra ... qualunque! N. eccessivo cliccando in più finestre aperte per vedere cosa sta succedendo!
- Personalizzare la barra degli strumenti e la FlashGet interfaccia utente, compreso il grafico di log e la finestra colori. Il supporto per i server proxy per il download di massima flessibilità.
- Parlare con la lingua FlashGet automatico di selezionare la lingua di capacità (20 + selezionabile lingue disponibili).
- Verificare la presenza di aggiornamenti da parte di FlashGet FlashGet.
Monitorare il download progressi, server di messaggi di stato e scaricare divide graficamente con la più semplice, più funzionale interfaccia utente intorno!
BT. BitTorrent scaricare file sostegno!
- Vista. Compatibile con Vista
+ Molto, molto di più!
FlashGet (anciennement JetCar) est conçu spécifiquement pour traiter deux des plus gros problèmes lorsque vous téléchargez des fichiers: la vitesse et la gestion des fichiers téléchargés. Si vous avez déjà attendu pour toujours pour vos fichiers à télécharger à partir d'une connexion lente, ou ont été coupées à mi-chemin au cours d'un téléchargement - ou ne peuvent tout simplement pas garder une trace de vos téléchargements sans cesse croissant - FlashGet est fait pour vous. FlashGet peut diviser des fichiers téléchargés en sections, de télécharger chaque section simultanément, d'une augmentation de la vitesse de téléchargement de 100% à 500%. Cela, combiné avec FlashGet est puissant et facile à utiliser des fonctionnalités de gestion, vous permet de prendre le contrôle de vos téléchargements comme jamais auparavant.
FlashGet télécharger affiche des progrès dans les rangs de points scintillants, mais son accélération n'est pas aussi marquée que la plupart. Son incapacité à lancer un téléchargement sans confirmation fait de la lenteur commence. Nous avons couru dans la difficulté de localiser les paramètres de configuration, un problème aggravé par un système d'aide qui apparemment appartient à une version antérieure. Néanmoins, les logiciels de gestion et regroupée notre échantillon télécharger efficacement. FlashGet prend en charge plus de 30 langues!
FlashGet saillants:
- Rapidité. La possibilité de scinder les fichiers en jusqu'à 10 parties, chaque partie téléchargement simultanément. Jusqu'à 8 différentes simultanée télécharger emplois. FlashGet juste pourrait être la plus rapide autour de télécharger des logiciels!
- Organiser. Classer les fichiers avec FlashGet intégrés et simples encore puissantes fonctionnalités de gestion des fichiers de vos fichiers avant de vous engouffrer!
- Mirror recherche. Automatiquement la recherche de serveur le plus rapide disponible pour la plus rapide possible des téléchargements.
FlashGet - ont automatiquement accès commuté, de raccrocher et éteindre l'ordinateur lorsque vous n'êtes pas autour!
- Programme de télécharger des fichiers à chaque fois que vous vous sentez! Que ce soit pendant que vous alarme ou pendant les heures creuses, certaines heures chaque jour de la semaine, le week-end ou n'importe quoi. C'est à vous de choisir!
Gérez vos fichiers téléchargés copieux avec FlashGet est simple mais puissant interface utilisateur. Automatiser vos téléchargements FlashGet avec un navigateur, cliquez! Supports Internet Explorer, Netscape et Opera * navigateurs Web. * Téléchargeable librement avec plug-in.
- Superior facilité d'utilisation. FlashGet l'interface est logique, intégrée, informatif et personnalisable. Queue vos téléchargements FlashGet avec la logique du système de file d'attente.
- Contrôle de la limite de vitesse de téléchargement, afin que le téléchargement des fichiers n'interfère pas avec votre navigation sur le Web!
- Facilement voir tout aspect de vos téléchargements en un coup d'œil. Que ce soit les messages d'état du serveur, le suivi se divise, montant téléchargé, quel que soit le temps ...! Pas excessif cliquant en plusieurs fenêtres ouvertes pour voir ce qui se passe!
- Personnaliser la barre d'outils et la FlashGet interface utilisateur, y compris le graphique et la fenêtre de connexion couleurs. Soutien à des serveurs proxy pour un maximum de souplesse téléchargement.
- Parlez votre langue avec FlashGet la sélection automatique des possibilités de langue (20 langues au choix disponibles).
- Vérifiez les mises à jour de l'intérieur FlashGet FlashGet.
Surveiller votre progression du téléchargement, le serveur de téléchargement des messages d'état et divise graphiquement avec la plus simple, plus fonctionnel autour de l'interface utilisateur!
BT. Télécharger des fichiers BitTorrent soutien!
- Vista. Compatible avec Vista
+ Beaucoup, beaucoup plus!
Gönderen Baron zaman: 1:35 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: FlashGet v2.0, FlashGet v2.0 Beta 4 download
Norton 360 v2.0 Beta
Norton 360 offers all-in-one protection that keeps you, your family, your PC and your information secure. This solution combines Symantec \ 'proven, industry-leading computer security and PC development of new technologies with automated backup and antiphishing features, providing a circle of protection.
Norton 360 Version 2.0 provides protection products and performance in an easy to use, while only one solution. With one subscription up to three PCs are protected, protect your family by checking reliable Web sites, blocking false, and securely manage user names and passwords so they can buy safety, a bank or browse online. Norton 360 V2.0 also helps keep your PC running at full capacity and protects your data by making it easy to automatically save and restore files locally or a department of secure online storage.
Top Features
* Delete viruses, e-mail and instant messages
* Blocks to the Internet at a port of entry
* Stop spyware online tracking you
* Authenticates popular shopping and banks websites
* Protection from phishing sites designed to steal your confidential information
* Discover the new files automatically backup the data
* Backup important files automatically to a secure online service
* Local backup CD, DVD or external drive
* Automatically removes the unwanted Internet clutter and temporary files that can slow your PC \ 'performance
Norton 360 liefert alle in ein Schutz, hält Sie, Ihre Familie, Ihren PC und Ihre Daten sicher. Diese umfassende Lösung kombiniert Symantec's bewährte und branchenführende Sicherheit Computer und PC - bis Melodie mit neuen Technologien automatisierte Backup- und antiphishing Funktionen, die eine volle Kreis der Schutz.
Norton 360 Version 2,0 liefert branchenführende Schutz und die Leistung in ein einfach zu bedienendes all-in-one Lösung. Mit einer einzigen Anmeldung bis zu drei PCs geschützt werden, die Sicherung Ihrer Familie durch Überprüfung vertrauenswürdigen Websites, Sperrung gefälscht sind, und sicher verwalten Benutzernamen und Passwörter, so dass sie sicher Laden, Bank, oder blättern Online. Norton 360 V2.0 hilft auch immer Ihre PCs mit höchster Leistung und schützt Ihre Daten, indem sie einfach automatisch sichern und wiederherstellen Dateien lokal oder auf einer gesicherten Online-Speicherplatz.
Top Features
* Entfernt Viren von E-Mail und Instant Messages
* Blocks Internet Würmer am Punkt der Einreise
* Stoppt Spyware Tracking von Ihnen online
* Authentifiziert beliebten Einkaufs- und Bankenviertel und Websites
* Schützt vor Phishing zu stehlen Ihre vertraulichen Informationen
* Entdeckt neue Dateien und sichert, dass die Daten automatisch
* Automatisches Backup wichtiger Dateien auf einem sicheren Online-Service
* Lokale Datensicherung auf CD, DVD oder externe Festplatte
* Automatisch entfernt unerwünschte Internet Unordnung und temporäre Dateien, die verlangsamen Leistung Ihres PCs
Gönderen Baron zaman: 1:33 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: Norton, Norton 360 v2.0 Beta
Download Accelerator Plus
Download Accelerator Plus (DAP) uses patented technology, ease of use and rich in features, including: multiple connections for faster downloading of the most sensitive servers, automatic recovery of lost connections and error, AlwaysResume ( where standard resume is not supported), programming, Tools file management, automated and much more. It integrates with Internet Explorer, Firefox, Netscape and others.
Gönderen Baron zaman: 1:32 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: Accelerator Plus, download, Download_Accelerator_Plus
Kaspersky Internet Security Beta download
Kaspersky Lab represents a new generation platform for creating applications specifically designated for the protection of personal computers and workstations
Gönderen Baron zaman: 1:31 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: internet_security, Kaspersky, Kaspersky Internet Security
IsoBuster Pro Final Download
IsoBuster is an award-winning, highly specialized and easy-to-use CD and DVD data recovery tool. It supports all formats of CDs and DVDs and all common CD and DVD, file systems ... Rescue lost files from a bad or trashed CD or DVD, save important documents, precious pictures, video of the family, your only system backup, ...
Start IsoBuster, Insert a CD or DVD, select the drive (if not already selected) and let IsoBuster mount the media. IsoBuster immediately shows you all tracks and sessions on the media, combined with all file systems that are present. That way, you get easy access, like the explorer in all files and folders by the file system. Instead of being limited to a file system that the OS chooses for you, you can access \ "the full picture". Accessing data from previous sessions, access data that your operating system (such as Windows) does not see you or cache, etc.
IsoBuster 2.2 released with BD and HD DVD.
Changes in version 2.3:
* Support for DVD VR (show different records)
* Support DVD - VFR. Automatically detect the IFO / VOB / BUP file-series
* Support for the standard DVD + VR on DVD + R / W drives
* Support for DVD + VR 2.0
* DVD + VR title registration displayed (if available)
* DVD-VR title registration displayed (if available)
* DVD + VR TimeStamp analyzed and illustrated
* DVD + VR \ "ULEAD SYSTEMS \" palliative (2.0 without starting address Video / 2.0 without the octet set) * Display
GMT differential when Date / Time is known for an object file IFO
* Auto-recognition support for 2056 byte / freeze the image files
* Added IsoBuster path of the DOS box PATH
* SectorView via the command line
* Open / Close via line * Set command
install exe \ 's Version
* Do not forget the size of the columns ListView
* Display the address metadata file UDF in the Properties window
* Improved Time and the date display in ListView. Take user variations in the series account when present.
* Various small improvements.
Gönderen Baron zaman: 1:21 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: IsoBuster Pro, IsoBuster Pro final
ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.621
NOD32 Antivirus System provides well balanced, state-of-the art protection against threats endangering your PC and enterprise systems running on various platforms from Microsoft Windows 95 / 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / 2003 / XP, through a number of UNIX / Linux, Novell, operating systems MS DOS to Microsoft Exchange Server, Lotus Domino and other mail servers. Viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other malicious programs are kept out of striking distance of your valuable data. The advanced detection methods implemented in the software even provide protection against future threats from most of the new worms and viruses.
The fourth generation of NOD32 Antivirus System provides a fully integrated software suite characterized by an unprecedented detection stock, the fastest scanning rates and extremely low utilization of system resources.
ESET NOD32 Antivirus + Antispyware:
• This component is in fact an improved version of the award-winning analysis engine of NOD32 Antivirus v2.7. With regard to the program \ 'unprecedented speed scanning, the following improvements have been made:
• Improvements to the system of cleaning and removing infiltration. The system intelligently antivirus now cleans and removes infiltrations without need for user intervention.
• Computer Scanning can be performed in the background to use only a portion of the system's resources. Thus, the scanning will not affect the
performance of your computer and you will be able to work on it as usual.
• The protection of residents Supports Digitization of archives.
• Update optimization, updating smaller than in version 2.7, a more efficient management and protection of update files from damage.
• Email protection for users of Outlook Express.
Download : ESET NOD32 Antivirus 3.0.621 (32-Bit) | 64-Bit
Link : MoreInfo & Download...
Gönderen Baron zaman: 1:19 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: ESET, NOD32, nod32 Antivirus
System Mechanic
System Mechanic
Whether you are looking to find and correct errors stubborn computer; clean, compact, and defrag your registry defragmenting your hard disk and memory, speed up Windows and the Internet, protecting your e-mail and computers against viruses, worms, software spies and pirates; secure your computer, or perform various maintenance tasks critical system; winning System Mechanic Product Family has the right tools to do the job.
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Alcohol 120% Retail download
Alcohol 120% is emulation and CD and DVD recording software allows users to copy a visible and invisible discs. Alcohol 120% can create 31 virtual CD and DVD discs to play without needing a physical disk, it also allows users to copy CD and DVD CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD - RW / DVD-RAM / DVD + RW. Alcohol 120% combines all the functions of alcohol 52% (CD and DVD emulation software).
NEW Alcohol Xtra, before control of the assistant New
reading engine, the speed improved
NEW Writing engine speed improved NEW
Data Type Definition options for DVD
NEW MSR layer version 1.53
NEW Increase buffer for 64-bit system, if you have more than 4 GB of RAM installed, the maximum size of buffer could be defined as 1GB.
32-bit system, 3GB ore more RAM installed, you can set up buffer as 512MB
FIX Special ICH9 device drive incompatibility
FIX Missing volume name of discs after mounting on the automatic system reboot
FIX addressed some issues blacklist
FIX Bugs reported by some users
UPDATE help files
UPDATE language files
UPDATE Devsupp additional support for the toughest Last
day improved Starwind ISCSI function
UPDATE ISCSI controller in Vista, the method of administration is no longer necessary
Alcohol 120% Retail Download
Alcohol 120% ist die CD & DVD Emulation und Aufnahme Software erlaubt Benutzern, um einen sichtbaren und einer unsichtbaren Scheiben. Alcohol 120% ermöglicht Benutzern zu verursachen 31 virtuelle CD & DVD ROM Scheiben zu spielen, ohne dass eine physische Datenträger, es ermöglicht auch die Kopie CD & DVD zu CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW / DVD - RAM / DVD + RW. Alcohol 120% beinhaltet alle Funktionen von Alcohol 52% (CD & DVD Emulationssoftware).
NEW Alkohol Xtra, Pre - Mastering Assistenten
Lesung neue Engine, Geschwindigkeit verbessert
NEW Writing Motor, Geschwindigkeit Verbesserte
NEW Daten Typ Einstellen von Optionen für DVD Medium
NEU SPTD Schicht Version 1,53
NEU Erhöhte Speicher Puffer für x64, wenn Sie mehr als 4 GB RAM installiert ist, die maximale Puffer könnte als 1GB.
32 Bit Systeme, 3GB oder mehr RAM installiert ist, können Sie maximal Puffer als 512MB
FIX Special ICH9 Geräts Unvereinbarkeit Fragen
FIX Missing Volumen Namen der Scheiben nach automatischen Neustart des Systems auf mounten
FIX Adressierte einige Probleme schwarze Liste
FIX Bugs berichtet von einigen Anwendern
UPDATE Hilfe Dateien
UPDATE Sprache Dateien
UPDATE Devsupp zusätzliche Unterstützung für mehrere Antriebe
UPDATE aktualisiert Starwind ISCSI Funktion
UPDATE ISCSI Controller in Vista, Administrator ist nicht mehr erforderlich
Алкоголь 120% Розничная Скачать
Алкоголь 120% - это компакт-диск и DVD эмуляции и записи программное обеспечение позволяет пользователям копировать видимое и невидимое дисков. Алкоголь 120% "позволяет пользователям создавать 31 виртуальный компакт и DVD - ROM диски играть, обходясь без физического диска, но и позволяет пользователям копировать компакт-диск и DVD на CD - R / CD - RW / DVD - R / DVD - RW / DVD - RAM / DVD + RW. Алкоголь 120% объединяет все функции Алкоголь 52% (CD и DVD программное обеспечение эмуляции).
НОВЫЕ Алкоголь Xtra, до освоения мастера
Новый движок чтения, скорость улучшилось
НОВЫЕ Написание двигателя, скорость Улучшение
НОВЫЕ Тип данных Настройка вариантов для средних DVD
НОВЫЕ SPTD слоя версия 1,53
НОВЫЕ Расширение памяти буфера для x64 системы, если у вас более 4 Гб оперативной памяти установлен, максимальный размер буфера может быть как 1 Гб.
32 бит система, 3GB или больше оперативной памяти установлено, вы можете установить макс буферной как 512MB
FIX Специальный ICH9 устройство привода несовместимости вопросы
FIX Отсутствует имя тома дисков после автоматического монтирования при перезагрузки системы
FIX адрес некоторых проблем, "черный список"
FIX Bugs сообщениям некоторых пользователей
UPDATE Справка файлы
UPDATE языковых файлов
UPDATE Devsupp дополнительную поддержку для более диски
Обновить повышен Старвинд ISCSI функции
UPDATE ISCSI контроллера в Vista, режим администратора не требуется
Alcohol 120% Retail Télécharger
Alcohol 120% est l'émulation de CD et DVD et logiciel d'enregistrement permet aux utilisateurs de copier un visible et invisible disques. Alcohol 120% permet de créer 31 CD virtuel et DVD-ROM pour jouer des disques sans avoir besoin d'une disque physique, il permet également aux utilisateurs de copier CD et DVD de CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW / DVD - RAM / DVD + RW. Alcohol 120% combine toutes les fonctions de l'alcool 52% (CD et DVD logiciel d'émulation).
NEW Alcohol Xtra, avant la maîtrise de l'assistant
Nouveau moteur de lecture, la vitesse améliorée
NEW Writing moteur, vitesse améliorée
NEW Type de données Définition des options pour support DVD
NEW SPTD couche de la version 1,53
NEW Augmentation mémoire tampon pour 64 bits du système, si vous possédez plus de 4 Go de RAM installée, la taille maximale de tampon pourrait être défini comme 1GB.
32 bits du système, 3GB minerai plus de RAM installée, vous pouvez définir maximum tampon comme 512Mo
FIX spécial ICH9 dispositif lecteur incompatibilité
FIX Missing nom de volume de disques après le montage automatique sur le redémarrage du système
FIX adressées certains problèmes liste noire
FIX Bugs rapportés par certains utilisateurs
UPDATE fichiers d'aide
UPDATE fichiers de langue
UPDATE Devsupp un soutien supplémentaire pour les plus durs
Mise à jour amélioré Starwind ISCSI fonction
UPDATE ISCSI contrôleur dans Vista, le mode d'administration n'est plus nécessaire
Alcohol 120% Retail Download
Alcohol 120% è il CD & DVD e di emulazione software di registrazione consente agli utenti di copiare una visibile e invisibile dischi. Alcohol 120% permette agli utenti di creare 31 CD virtuale & DVD-ROM a svolgere dischi senza bisogno di un disco fisico, ma permette agli utenti di copiare CD e DVD su CD-R / CD-RW / DVD-R / DVD-RW / DVD - RAM / DVD + RW. Alcohol 120% combina tutte le funzioni di Alcohol 52% (CD & DVD software di emulazione).
NUOVE Alcol Xtra, prima padronanza guidata
Nuovo motore di lettura, la velocità migliorata
NUOVE Scrittura motore, velocità migliorata
NUOVE tipo di dati Impostazione opzioni per DVD medie
NUOVE SPTD strato versione 1,53
NUOVE Aumento buffer di memoria per IA64 sistema, se avete più di 4 GB di RAM installata, la massima dimensione del buffer potrebbe essere impostato come 1GB.
32 bit di sistema, 3GB o più di RAM installata, è possibile impostare massimo del buffer come 512MB
FIX speciali ICH9 dispositivo di azionamento questioni di incompatibilità
FIX Missing nome di volume di dischi dopo automatica montare su di riavvio del sistema
FIX risolti alcuni problemi di lista nera
FIX Bugs segnalati da alcuni utenti
AGGIORNAMENTO file della Guida
AGGIORNAMENTO Devsupp sostegno supplementare per saperne di più unità
Aggiornamento aggiornato Starwind iscsi funzione
AGGIORNAMENTO ISCSI controller di Vista, amministratore modalità non è più richiesto
Gönderen Baron zaman: 11:42 PM 0 yorum
Etiketler: Alcohol, Alcohol 120%, download
BSPlayer Free 2.26 Build 956
World \ 'most popular player! Since the very beginning of the year 2000, the BS.Player ™ was one of the world \ 'multimedia players the most popular. It is popular for many reasons, it should nevertheless be noted: BS.Player ™ is the first player to enable its users to concentrate on watching the movie instead of dealing with poor computer skills or revolves around the search for 'an appropriate framework and codec.
BS.Player ™ Windows ® is a player that plays back all kinds of all kinds of multimedia files (AVI / mpg / ASF / WMV / wav / mp3 ...) specializes in video and divx. It can also display subtitles. There are also different skins for the player.
The BS.Player ™ 2.0 does not make that play, but with the BS.MediaLibrary ™ he also manages your multimedia content. You can sort the content in reading, which allow you to work with files more quickly and easily. Playlists can be created through the BS.MediaLibrary ™ module or directly through the primary BS.Player ™ 2.0 module.
Last but not least, BS.Player ™ is a product for the world public, so it is equipped with a treasure of subtitle options that allow users to view multimedia files over the world many \ 'languages.
Changes in BS.Player 2.26, December 24, 2007:
- Set unduly functional support CD TEXT
- Fixed problems with 'Enqueue' after enqueue agenda was awarded to the first point
- Sometimes media did not add custom extensions, fixed
- Matroska files (MKV) can now be played since decompressed rar archives
- Improved support Vista and EVR
- Some bug fixes and other changes
BSPlayer Free 2,26 Build 956 Download
Welt, die am populärsten Multimedia Player! Schon seit den Anfängen im Jahr 2000 hat die BS.Player ™ ist eine der weltweit beliebtesten Multimedia Spieler. Es ist bekannt für viele Gründe, jedoch sollte darauf hingewiesen werden: BS.Player ™ ist der erste Spieler überhaupt, um seinen Nutzern, sich auf den Film sehen, anstatt sich mit armen Computer Fähigkeiten oder laufen durch die Gegend und suchen für eine richtige Einstellung und Codec .
BS.Player ™ ist eine Windows ® Player spielt zurück, dass alle Arten von Medien aller Art von Dateien (AVI / ra / etc. / wmv / Wave / MP3 ...) und ist spezialisiert auf Video- und das divx Wiedergabe. Es kann auch Untertiteln. Zudem stehen verschiedene Skins für diesen Player.
Die BS.Player ™ 2,0 nicht nur spielen, sondern auch mit dem BS.MediaLibrary ™ es auch verwaltet Ihre multimedialen Inhalten. Sie können die Inhalte in Wiedergabelisten, die es ermöglichen dem Anwender die Arbeit mit Dateien schneller und einfacher. Playlisten können, die durch die BS.MediaLibrary ™ Modul oder direkt über den primären BS.Player ™ 2.0 Modul.
Last but not least BS.Player ™ ist ein Produkt für die Welt der öffentlichen, so ist er mit einer Schatzkammer der Untertitel Optionen, die es ermöglichen, die Nutzer zu beobachten Multimedia-Dateien in vielen Sprachen der Welt.
Änderungen in der BS.Player 2.26, December 24, 2007:
- Behoben unsachgemäß funktionelle CD TEXT Unterstützung
- Behoben Probleme mit 'Enqueue', nach Enqueue Wiedergabeliste wurde auf ersten Punkt
- Manchmal Medien Bibliothek nicht benutzerdefinierte Erweiterungen, feste
Matroska - Dateien (MKV), kann nun auch gespielt werden von unkomprimiert Rar-Archive
- Verbesserte Vista und Unterstützung EVR
- Einige andere Bugfixes und Änderungen
BSPlayer свободной 2,26 Build 956 Скачать
Всемирный самый популярный мультимедийный плеер! С самого начала в 2000 году, в BS.Player ™ стал одним из самых популярных мультимедийных игроков. Он популярен по многим причинам, одна однако следует отметить: BS.Player ™ является первым игроком, когда-либо позволит пользователям сосредоточиться на кино вместо борьбы с бедными возможностями компьютера или бегающие вокруг в поисках надлежащего установления и кодек .
BS.Player ™ является Windows ® игрок, который играет обратно все виды рода все мультимедийные файлы (avi / м / г / asf / wmv / wav / mp3 ...) и специализируется на видео и divx воспроизведения. Он также может показывать субтитры. Также доступны различные скины игрока.
В BS.Player ™ 2,0 не только играть, но с BS.MediaLibrary ™ также управляет вашей мультимедийному содержанию. Вы можете сортировать содержимое в плейлисты, которые позволяют вам работать с файлами быстрее и легче. Playlists может быть создано путем BS.MediaLibrary ™ модуль либо непосредственно через главную BS.Player ™ 2,0 модуля.
Последнее, но не менее - BS.Player ™ - это продукт для мирового общественного поэтому оснащен сокровищницу субтитров варианты, которые позволяют пользователям для просмотра мультимедийных файлов во многих языков мира.
Изменения в BS.Player 2.26, 24 декабря 2007 года:
- Твердая неправильно функциональных CD - ТЕКСТ поддержки
- Твердая проблемы с "Enqueue", после enqueue плейлист был восстановлен первым пунктом
- Иногда средства массовой информации библиотеки не добавлять свои расширения, фиксированная
- файлы Matroska (MKV) теперь может также играть от несжатого rar архивов
- совершенствование Vista и поддержку EVR
- некоторые другие исправления и ошибка изменения
BSPlayer Free 2,26 Build 956 Download
Mondo più popolare lettore multimediale! Sempre sin dall'inizio per l'anno 2000, la BS.Player ™ è stato uno dei più popolari del mondo multimediale giocatori. È famoso per molti motivi, uno tuttavia opportuno segnalare: BS.Player ™ è il primo giocatore sempre per consentire ai suoi utenti di concentrarsi sul guardate il film, invece di trattare con scarsa capacità del computer o correre intorno alla ricerca di una corretta impostazione e di codec .
BS.Player ™ di Windows ® è un giocatore che riproduce tutti i tipi di tutte le specie di file multimediali (il avi / del mpg / il asf / disposizione di wmv / in wav / mp3 ...) ed è specializzata nella riproduzione video e il divx. È anche possibile visualizzare i sottotitoli. Sono inoltre disponibili le pelli differenti per questo giocatore.
Il BS.Player ™ 2,0 non solo giocare, ma con la BS.MediaLibrary ™ esso gestisce anche i vostri contenuti multimediali. Puoi ordinare il contenuto in playlist, che consentono di lavorare con i file più velocemente e più facilmente. Playlists possono essere creati attraverso l'BS.MediaLibrary ™ modulo direttamente o attraverso le primarie BS.Player ™ 2.0 modulo.
Ultima, ma non meno importante - BS.Player ™ è un prodotto per il mondo in modo pubblico, è dotato di un sottotitolo tesoro di opzioni che consentono agli utenti di guardare i file multimediali in molte delle lingue del mondo.
Cambiamenti nella BS.Player 2,26, 24 dicembre 2007:
- Fissa impropriamente funzionali CD - TESTO sostegno
- Fissa i problemi con 'Enqueue', dopo enqueue sequenza è stato reimpostato alla prima voce
- Talvolta mediateca non aggiungere estensioni personalizzate, fisso
- File Matroska (MKV) può anche essere svolto da non rar archivi
- Vista migliorata e il supporto EVR
- Alcune altre modifiche e correzioni di bug
BSPlayer Free 2,26 Build 956 Télécharger
Monde le plus populaire lecteur multimédia! Depuis le tout début de l'année 2000, le BS.Player ™ a été l'un des plus populaires au monde lecteurs multimédia. Il est très prisé pour de nombreuses raisons, on devrait cependant être souligné: BS.Player ™ est le premier joueur à permettre à ses utilisateurs de se concentrer sur regardez le film au lieu de traiter les pauvres capacités ordinateur ou tourne autour de la recherche d'un cadre approprié et de codec .
BS.Player ™ Windows ® est un joueur qui joue en arrière toutes sortes de toutes sortes de fichiers multimédias (AVI / le mpg / asf / le wmv / le wav / mp3 ...) plutôt orienté vidéo et divx. Il peut également afficher des sous-titres. Il existe également des peaux différentes pour ce joueur.
Le BS.Player ™ 2,0 ne fait pas que jouer, mais avec la BS.MediaLibrary ™ il gère également votre contenu multimédia. Vous pouvez trier le contenu en lecture, qui vous permettent de travailler avec des fichiers plus rapidement et plus facilement. Playlists peut être créée par le biais du BS.MediaLibrary ™ module ou directement par l'intermédiaire du primaire BS.Player ™ 2.0 du module.
Last but not least, BS.Player ™ est un produit pour le monde public, de sorte qu'il est équipé d'un trésor de sous-titre des options qui permettent aux utilisateurs de regarder des fichiers multimédias dans bien des langues du monde.
Changements dans BS.Player 2.26, le 24 décembre 2007:
- Fixe indûment fonctionnelle CD TEXTE appui
- Correction des problèmes avec 'Enqueue', après enqueue agenda a été remis à premier point
- Parfois médiathèque n'a pas coutume d'ajouter des extensions, fixe
- Les fichiers Matroska (MKV) peuvent désormais être également joué depuis décompressé rar, les archives
- Amélioration de Vista et EVR appui
- Quelques corrections de bugs et autres changements
AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta Download
AnyDVD is a driver, which unprotects DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and the area code for all applications free and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD \ 'help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD Copy, etc. are able to copy CSS protected Movies. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with area codes corresponding to each DVD player software you like! AnyDVD not only decrypts DVDs: AnyDVD also allows you to play, copy and rip protected audio CDs! But AnyDVD does much more, of course. For example, it is possible to control the rotational speed of your DVD drive, so you can watch DVDs on your PC with far less noise!
AnyDVD ist ein Treiber, die unprotects DVD - Filme automatisch in den Hintergrund. Diese DVD erscheint ungeschützt und die Vorwahl für alle Anwendungen kostenlos und das Windows Betriebssystem als gut. Mit AnyDVD \ 'helfen Kopie Tools wie CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD Copy, usw. in der Lage sind, zu kopieren CSS geschützten Filmen. Mit der Hilfe von AnyDVD können Sie Filme mit Ortsvorwahl für die jeweilige DVD Player Software, die Sie mögen! AnyDVD entschlüsselt nicht nur DVDs: AnyDVD erlaubt Ihnen auch, zu spielen, zu kopieren und zerreißen geschützten Audio-CDs! Aber AnyDVD nicht viel mehr, natürlich. Zum Beispiel ist es möglich, die Drehzahl des DVD Laufwerk, so dass Sie sehen können DVDs auf Ihrem PC mit viel weniger Lärm!
AnyDVD - это драйвер, который unprotects DVD - Фильмы автоматически в фоновом режиме. Это DVD, как незащищенным и код для всех приложений и свободной операционной системы Windows, а. Что AnyDVD \ "помочь копировать инструменты, как CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD Copy, и т.д., возможность копировать фильмы CSS защищены. При помощи AnyDVD вы можете смотреть фильмы с кодами зон, соответствующие каждому DVD плеер программное обеспечение вы хотите! AnyDVD не только decrypts DVDs: AnyDVD также позволяет играть, копирование и защиту рип аудио компакт-дисков! Но AnyDVD делает гораздо больше, конечно. Например, можно контролировать скорость вращения вашего DVD диска, так что вы можете смотреть DVD, на ПК с гораздо меньше шума!
AnyDVD è un driver, che unprotects DVD - Film automaticamente in background. Questo DVD sembra non protetto e il prefisso per tutte le applicazioni libere e il sistema operativo Windows pure. Con AnyDVD \ 'aiuto copia strumenti come CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD Copy, ecc sono in grado di copiare i filmati protetti CSS. Con l'aiuto di AnyDVD puoi vedere filmati con la zona codici corrispondenti ad ogni giocatore di DVD il software ti piace! AnyDVD non solo decodifica DVD: AnyDVD inoltre consente di riprodurre, copiare e strappare CD audio protetti! AnyDVD ma non molto di più, naturalmente. Per esempio, è possibile controllare la velocità di rotazione del vostro DVD, in modo da poter guardare i DVD sul PC con molto meno rumore!
IE7pro 2.0 Beta 5 Download
IE7pro is an add-on for IE 7 that adds lots of features and benefits that make your IE easier, more useful, safe and customizable. With IE7pro you can pass proxy, together officer identification, block ads and flash, apply superpower drag-drop, refresh tab automatically recover session crash, manage tab history, see the information page, save image files quickly and more.
IE7pro ist ein Add-on für IE 7, fügt viele Funktionen und Extras, die Ihre IE erleichtern, nützliche, sichere und angepasst werden. Mit IE7pro können Proxy schalten, setzen Agent Identifizierung, Anzeigen und Blitz, für Super Drag & Drop, aktualisieren Registerkarte automatisch wieder Absturz Tagung, zu verwalten Registerkarte Geschichte, Blick Seite Informationen, außer Bilddateien schnell und mehr.
IE7pro est un add-on pour IE 7 qui ajoute bon nombre de dispositifs et d'avantages qui font que votre IE plus facile, plus utile, sûr et personnalisable. Avec IE7pro vous pouvez passer procuration, ensemble agent de l'identification, de bloquer les annonces et flash, appliquer superpuissance traîner-baisse, actualisez onglet automatiquement, recouvrer session, écrasement, onglet gérer l'histoire, voir la page d'informations, mettre des fichiers images rapidement et plus.
Что IE7pro вы можете перевести прокси, установить агент идентификации, блок объявлений и молниеносно применять супер перетащить - падение, обновите закладку автоматически извлекать сессии катастрофы, управлять вкладки истории, просматривать страницы информации, сохранить изображение файлы быстро и более.
IE7pro è un add-on per IE 7, che aggiunge un sacco di caratteristiche e gli extra, che rendono il vostro IE più facile, più utile, sicuro e personalizzabile. Con IE7pro si può attivare il proxy, impostare agente di identificazione, il blocco di annunci e lampeggiare, si applicano eccellente trascin-goccia, scheda di aggiornamento automatico, recuperare sessione in crash, gestire scheda storia, visualizzare la pagina di informazioni, salvare i file immagine in modo rapido e di più.
ReGet Deluxe 5.2 Build 327 RC Download
Enjoy the last word in the download speed, ReGet Deluxe! Wherever you have a dial-up (modem) connection to the Internet or the speed of cable or DSL, ReGet Deluxe will fully utilize the bandwidth of your connection and download files in a blast! With many features aimed at improving the download experience and greatly increases the download speeds, ReGet Deluxe is the tool of choice for users and heavy downloaders.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
ZoneAlarm Security Suite v7.0.423.000 Beta
ZoneAlarm protects your sensitive personal and financial data from hacker attacks. It keeps your private information safe from the outside world, and can even track the source of intrusion attempts and map their whereabouts instantly, without exposing your identity or location. For iron-clad firewall protection, choose ZoneAlarm.
Fixed Issues
- Anti-virus: Fixed AV signature version not displayed
- Anti-virus: Hang after repair of archive (or similar) on CD
- Install: Fixed verious install and upgrade issues
- Install: Added logging to the beginning of the installation process
- Install: Prevent multiple install attempts to access same files
- System: Fixed a hang on shutdown
- Updates: Fixed AV updates not taken place after installation (until a day later)
- Updates: Fix hang in UpdClient
Download : ZoneAlarm Security Suite v7.0.423.000 Beta
System Mechanic v7.1.11 Professional & Standard
The System Mechanic® product family provides everything you need to keep your PC running like new. Fix problems, boost performance, eliminate crashes, defend against spyware threats, and much more. These award-winning utility suites are trusted by millions worldwide to secure, optimize, repair, and maintain their systems.
Download : System Mechanic Professional v7.1.11
Download : System Mechanic Standard v7.1.11
Slysoft AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta
AnyDVD is a driver, which descrambles DVD-Movies automatically in the background. This DVD appears unprotected and region code free for all applications and the Windows operating system as well. With AnyDVD's help copy tools like CloneDVD, Pinnacle Instant Copy, InterVideo DVD-Copy, etc. are able to copy CSS protected Movies. You can remove the RPC region code, thereby making the movie region free and viewable on any DVD player and with any DVD player software. With the help of AnyDVD you can watch movies with non matching region codes with every DVD Player Software you like!
AnyDVD is capable of removing unwanted movie features, including subtitles and prohibition messages such as copyright and FBI warnings. It also allows you to launch an external application whenever you insert or remove a disc, or prevent 'PC-friendly'software from automatically launching when you insert a video DVD. AnyDVD decrypts not just DVDs: AnyDVD allows you also to play, copy and rip protected Audio CDs!
Decryption is not all that AnyDVD offers. You can control the drive speed of your DVD drive, allowing you to reduce the noise level when watching movies on your PC. You can even adjust the display frequency of your monitor for both NTSC and PAL displays.
AnyDVD HD comes with same functionality as AnyDVD, but with additional features for full HD-DVD (High Definition DVD) support, including decryption of HD-DVD movie discs.
Allows you to watch movies over a digital display connection, without HDCP compliant graphics card and HDCP compliant display. No need to buy an expensive monitor. Sweet!
Playback your discs on your PC with PowerDVD Ultra, which otherwise do not run (titles released by Studio Canal, The Weinstein Company, Kinowelt, Optimum Releasing).
AnyDVD HD is the "must have" utility for the serious home theater enthusiast using a media center / home theater PC.
Another amazing feature of AnyDVD HD is "magic file replacement Ä?€??¢". Remaster any commercial movie disc using simple XML scripts. These scripts will "magically" replace the files on the physical disc. You can customize discs as you like without even making a copy to harddisk!
AnyDVD comes with a UDF 2.5 file ripper, no need to install 3rd party UDF 2.5 filesystem under Windows XP.
Changes in 2007 09 28
- New (DVD): New "AI Scanner(tm)" copy protection removal
Note: With AI Scanner, a lot of titles can now be processed with programs like DVD Shrink *without* using the AnyDVD ripper!
This includes many Arccos protected titles.
- New (DVD): UDF remastering of .IFO and .BUP files
- New (DVD): Added support for new copy protections
- New (Blu-ray): Support for new titles
- Fix (DVD) AnyDVD ripper could complain, that the destination directory has insufficient space
- Fix (HD DVD & Blu-ray): Large I/O requests could cause the "Magic File Replacement(tm)" to malfunction
- Fix: Integrity check could issue a false alarm
- Some minor fixes and improvements
- Updated languages
Download : AnyDVD & AnyDVD HD Beta
ZIP Password: allgoodthings
Corel Painter Essentials 4
Corel Painter Essentials 4 is the simple-to-use home art studio that makes it easy for you to sketch, paint and turn your photos into paintings. Two new workspaces put the tools you need at your fingertips, whether you're turning a photo into a painting, or sketching and painting on a blank canvas. Based on the world's most powerful painting and illustration software, Corel Painter, it's the ideal way to get started with digital art!
Download : Download Corel Painter Essentials 4
News source : Corel Painter Essentials 4 Homepage
Gönderen Baron zaman: 3:27 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: Corel-Painter-Essentials 4
Adobe Flash Player v9.0.64.0 RC
Adobe® Flash® Player is the high-performance, lightweight, highly expressive client runtime that delivers powerful and consistent user experiences across major operating systems, browsers, mobile phones, and devices.
Adobe® (formerly Macromedia) Flash Player - the universal rich client for delivering effective Adobe Flash experiences across desktops and devices. Lets you view the best animation and entertainment on the Web. It displays Web application front-ends, high-impact Web site user interfaces, interactive online advertising, and short-form to long-form animation.
Adobe's Flash Player allows you to view interactive web content like games, business presentations, advertisements. The package includes only the Flash Player and is a stand alone installation. Technically, this is a Flash Player ActiveX Control. It will only play the file through your Web browser.
Installed on over 750 million Internet-connected desktops and mobile devices, Flash® Player enables organizations and individuals to build and deliver great digital experiences to their end users.
Flash is the world's most pervasive software platform, reaching 97% of Internet-enabled desktops worldwide, as well as many popular devices. Since it is free of the design restrictions of more traditional Web display options, you can use it to clearly and exactly express your brand and company identity.
Download : Adobe Flash Player RC for Internet Explorer
Download : Adobe Flash Player RC for Firefox, Netscape, Opera
Download : Adobe Flash Player RC for Linux
Gönderen Baron zaman: 3:13 AM 0 yorum
Etiketler: Adobe+fash+Player+v9.0.64.0 RC
Internet Download Manager v5.11 Build 7
Internet Download Manager (IDM) is a tool to increase download speeds by up to 500 percent, resume and schedule downloads. IDM has a smart download logic accelerator that features intelligent dynamic file segmentation and safe multipart downloading technology to accelerate your downloads. Simple graphic user interface makes IDM user friendly and easy to use.
Download : Internet Download Manager v5.11 Build 7
Serv-U is a powerful, easy-to-use, award-winning FTP server created by Rob Beckers. An FTP server uses the FTP protocol to share files across the Internet. Serv-U is not only 100% compliant with the current FTP standard, but also includes numerous features unique to Serv-U that make it a perfect file sharing solution for virtually everyone. Regardless of the purpose behind your FTP server, everyone will benefit from the numerous security features Serv-U incorporates.
Download : Serv-U (2.76 MB)
ACDSee Photo Manager v10.0 Build 219
ACDSee - the worlds #1 digital imaging software. ACDSee Photo Manager is a comprehensive application ideal for acquiring, organizing, viewing, enhancing and sharing your images. With the image browser, you can find, organize, and preview images and media files on your computer, and you can efficiently acquire images from digital cameras, scanners, and other devices. A full-featured image viewer and media player quickly generates high-quality displays of your images and media files. You can run slide shows, play embedded audio, and display multiple page images. ACDSee supports over 100 image and multimedia file formats. Also, ACDSee includes a wide variety of image editing tools you can use to create, edit and touch-up your digital images.
Use tools such as red-eye reduction, crop, sharpen, blur, and embos to enhance or correct your images. Image management tools, such as exposure adjustment, convert, resize, rename, and rotate, can be performed on multiple files at the same time. The new user interface is completely customizable, and provides quick access to tools and features. You can customize the screen layout, the order of images, toolbar display, and many other options to suit your preferences. ACDSee Photo Manager is a fast, powerful, and easy-to-use image management system that everyone from novices to professionals can use and enjoy.
If you want to view, organize, find and share images quickly, ACDSee 10 is the perfect solution. Use keywords, categories and your own Windows® filing system to instantly locate the right image. Easily correct or improve those less than perfect photos. Share your favorites by email, on your free online album or as high-quality prints.
Instant Viewing
With ACDSee, you’ll never wait for another image to open. Get instant access to your photos with the fastest viewer on the market.
See your photos on a virtual calendar, fill your screen with images and quickly browse through your thumbnails. Plus, ACDSee’s Quick View mode is the fastest way to open an e-mail attachment or a file on your desktop. NEW! Mouse over your thumbnails for instant previews.
Get organized with ACDSee
With ACDSee, organize the way that works best for you. Organize your Windows® file folders, add keywords and ratings, edit your metadata, and create your own categories. Assign images to as many categories as you like without duplicating files.
NEW! Use multi-word keywords like ‘Trip to Mexico’ to make finding images even easier.
Stay organized with smart features that automatically import, rename and categorize your new images when your camera, iPod, camera phone, or other device is connected.
Organize images stored on CDs, DVDs, and external hard drives without copying them to your computer with the time-saving PhotoDisc feature.
NEW! Unzip files and start viewing and organizing archived items right away, without leaving ACDSee.
Correct and enhance your photos
Correct common problems at the click of a button – eliminate red-eye, erase blemishes and make colors true to life. NEW! With ACDSee’s advanced red-eye tool, get natural-looking results with custom eye colors to replace red areas.
Bring details back into photos that are too light or dark with ACDSee’s patent-pending Shadow/Highlights technology. It instantly corrects poorly exposed photos without affecting areas of the image that don't require adjustments. NEW! Apply effects like blur, saturation and color to selected areas of your photos.
Share your favorite photos
Send photos to family and friends by e-mail without worrying about resizing or switching to another application.
NEW! Simplify online photo sharing with integrated uploading to sites like Flickr and Smugmug. NEW! Post a photo widget on your website or blog, powered by your free ACDSee Sendpix online album.
Design your own stunning slide shows with transition effects and sound - mix audio tracks and synch songs to slides. NEW! Create PowerPoint presentations from inside ACDSee, including notes, captions and more.
Make home printing a breeze
With ACDSee’s print layout tools it’s easier than ever to print your photos from home. ACDSee works within your print margins and helps you print multiple 4x6 prints on a single page, fill an entire page for an 8x10, or create custom print sizes.
Protect your photos
ACDSee helps you keep copies of your images so you don’t lose them if your computer fails. Use the Sync tool to synchronize your image folders with an external hard drive or networked drive. Or, use the Use the Database Backup feature to backup your photos and database information to CD or DVD. You can even schedule backups and reminders.
View, browse and manage over 100 file types
Get extensive format support for audio, video and images including BMP, GIF, IFF, JPG, PCX, PNG, PSD, RAS, RSB, SGI, TGA and TIFF. Take a look at the complete list of supported file formats.
System Requirements
* Intel Pentium® III / AMD Athlon processor or equivalent (Intel Pentium® 4 / AMD Athlon XP or equivalent recommended)
* 512 MB RAM (1 GB RAM recommended)
* 100 MB free hard drive space (1 GB recommended)
* High Color display adapter at 1024 x 768 resolution (1280 x 1024 recommended)
* CD/DVD Burner - for creating CDs and DVDs
* Windows® 2000, Windows® XP and Windows Vista™
* Microsoft® Internet Explorer™ 5.0.0 (6.0.0 recommended)
* Microsoft® DirectX® 9.0 - for Microsoft DirectX file format support, and to create slide shows and screen savers
* QuickTime™ 6.0 - for QuickTime file format support
* Ghostscript® 8.0 - for PDF support
* Windows Media™ Player 9.0
Download : ACDSee Photo Manager v10.0 Build 219
VMware Server for Windows 1.0.4 Build 56528
VMware Server is a robust yet easy to use product for users new to server virtualization technology. VMware Server enables companies to partition a physical server into multiple virtual machines, and to start experiencing the benefits of virtualization.
Download : VMware Server for Windows 1.0.4 Build 56528
Thursday, September 27, 2007
Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) Beta
Ubuntu is a free, open source operating system that starts with the breadth of Debian and adds regular releases (every six months), a clear focus on the user and usability (it should "Just Work", TM) and a commitment to security updates with 18 months of support for every release. Ubuntu ships with the latest Gnome release as well as a selection of server and desktop software that makes for a comfortable desktop experience off a single installation CD
Download : Ubuntu v7.10 Beta
iTunes v7.4.3
iTunes lets you create your own personal digital music library, allowing you to manage and play your music collection with drag-and-drop simplicity. iTunes, the software part of the equation that lets you pack 7,500 songs in your pocket, automatically synchronizes with the sensational new iPod at high speeds over FireWire. iTunes gives you the ability to generate dynamic Smart Playlists that reflect your preferences and listening habits. With iTunes it’s easy to create CDs that play back on in your car, your home stereo, Macs and on Windows-based PCs. iTunes 4 adds the ability to share music among your Macs, play and encode AAC files, and view album art.
Download : iTunes v7.4.3 For Windows
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Ad-Aware 2007 is the latest version of Lavasoft’s industry leading anti-spyware solutions. Ad-Aware 2007 allows you to combat the growing threats and latest advancements of malicious spyware and malware.
Ad-Aware 2007 protects you from spyware that secretly takes control of your computer, resulting in aggressive advertising pop-ups, sluggish computer activity and even identity theft through stolen private information. We give you the tools to detect hazardous content on your computer, clearly identify their threat level, and then give you the control to remove unwanted content, so that your private information remains right where it should - under your control.
Lavasoft’s advanced Code Sequence Identification (CSI) technology roots out deeply hidden malware and then searches for similar codes in order to identity emerging variants. Ad-Aware 2007 thoroughly scans your memory, registry, Hosts file, hard, removable and optical drives for known data-mining, aggressive advertising, parasites, scumware, keyloggers, trojans, dialers, malware, browser hijackers, and tracking components.
Ad-Aware 2007 Free remains the most popular anti-spyware product for computer users around the world, with nearly one million downloads every week. Our free anti-spyware version provides you with advanced protection against spyware that secretly attaches and takes control of your computer, resulting in aggressive advertising pop-ups, sluggish computer activity, even identity theft through stolen bank details, passwords, and credit card account numbers. If you want real-time scanning capabilities, consider upgrading to Ad-Aware 2007 Plus for real-time protection against spyware, all the time!
Download : Ad-Aware 2007 v7.0.2.3
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Etiketler: ad-aware, FreeEdition, Lavasoft, Lavasoft-Ad-Aware-2007+Free_Edition