The Mobile Media Converter uses ffmpeg to convert MP3 / WAVE / WMA audio files to AMR files (Adaptive Multi-Rate Codec, *.amr) and vice-versa (AMR to MP3). Also, it can convert your WMV (except WMV ver.9) / MPEG video files to 3GPP (3rd Generation
Partnership Project, *.3gp) and vice-versa (MPEG to 3GP).
The program has a very easy-to-use and simple GUI (Graphical User Interface) that helps even the most amateur user. Most of the times, the only data that you must enter is the input file(s) or just drag 'n' drop the input file! The 3GP and AMR formats are used by mobile phones for MMS, for video and sound recordings, etc.
<-> format table:
from amr to mp3
from mp3, wav, wma to amr
from wmv, mpeg to 3gp
from 3gp to mpeg
Drag and Drop support
Select the files you want to convert by draging and droping them on to the program window.
Enjoy our software whatever is your choice in Operating System. Available in Linux and Windows.
Using ffmpeg ensures the maximum compability with PC and mobile phone formats as well as fast conversion times.
"mobile media converter"
Just a note to say thanks for the Mobile Media Converter - it saved my life today!,
MMCsetup.exe,Windows OS, 2.1 MB (v.1.3)
mmc-lin.tgr.gz, Linux OS, 2.5 MB (v.1.3)
Help (?)
<-> NOTE for Window users: The Windows Media Video version 9 is not supported!
<-> System Requirements:
- Linux:
Any x86-based Linux distribution with:
- GTK+ 2.0 (or higher)
- glibc-2.3 (or higher)
- CUPS (Common UNIX Printing System)
- wget
- Windows:
- Windows 98, NT (4.0 or higher), ME, 2000, 2003 Server, XP